The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
November 25th, 2023 – 7:00 pm
The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR
Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.
One of the most iconic and influential films ever released, THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (1920) was not only the first horror film, it was also the very first German expressionist film ever made….justly famed for it’s visually skewed, anxiety-inducing angles of its painted backdrops, and for the nightmarish tension of its macabre storyline, in which Francis (Friedrich Feher) attempts to solve a series of murders that he suspects to be the work of an insane carnival hypnotist, Dr Caligari (Werner Krauss), and his somnambulist sideshow attraction, Cesare (Conrad Veidt).
This gothic masterpiece has seeped into the very soul of movie-making itself, continuing to cast its unbreakable spell – thrilling, chilling, electrifying. Arguably, the most visually influential movie of the silent period. So many great artists were inspired by this film including, Virginia Woolf, Tim Burton, and the great Alfred Hitchcock, gave credit in his memoirs, “Caligari was the inspiration for Psycho!” REVIEWS: “The picture sets itself the task of raising your hair from your head, and it succeeds from the moment the actors appear in the prologue.” – Harriette Underhill, New York Tribune “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is undeniably clever. It is most artistically acted. The lightning is a marvel of spookiness. And if you are looking for something different, well — it is certainly different with a vengeance.” – Mae Tinee, Chicago Tribune Caligari remains Germany’s greatest gift to cinema.” – Tom Watson, CineVue
IMDB – 8 of 10 Stars Rating Rotton Tomatoes: 96% Tomatometer Rating
Purchase Tickets at: https://hollywoodtheatre.org/tickets/23518/
If the direct ticket link above does not work for you, go to the Hollywood Theatre Splash Page and click on the 7:00 Showtime on the right.