March 22nd, 2025 – 2:00 pm

Broken Blossoms (1919)

Saturday March 22nd, 2025 – 2:00 pm
The Hollywood Theatre
4122 North East Sandy
Portland, OR 97212

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

Starring legendary actress Lillian Gish, who lights up the screen in one of her most famous and critically acclaimed roles.

Directed by D.W. Griffith, BROKEN BLOSSOMS is considered his most tragic, serious, poetic, intricate and melodramatic film…yet with a soft-focus, and unique ethereal quality. Controversial and groundbreaking, as one of the first films to feature an interracial love affair.

The film tells the story of a mystical, fragile romance in London’s foggy slums between a young, gentle, opium-addicted Chinese man (Richard Barthelmess as Cheng Huan) and an illegitimate Cockney waif (Lillian Gish as Lucy Burrows), who is abused by her brutish, bigoted prize-fighting father. The purest dreams of the couple, both ‘broken blossoms’, are destroyed by the sordid reality of racism.

“Griffith in 1919 was the unchallenged king of serious American movies (only C.B. DeMille rivaled him in fame), and BROKEN BLOSSOMS was seen as brave and controversial. What remains today is the artistry of the production, the ethereal quality of Lillian Gish, the broad appeal of the melodrama, and its social impact. Films like this…helped nudge a xenophobic nation toward racial tolerance.” – Roger Ebert

“Pure Griffith poetry, marvelous use of light and shadow in cameraman Billy Bitzer’s evocation of foggy Limehouse, and a truly unforgettable performance from Gish” – Tom Mile, Time Out

Rotton Tomatoes: 
95% Tomatometer          
71% Popcorn Meter

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Run time: 107 mins
Format: Digital

February 22nd, 2025 – 2:00 pm

The General (1926)

Saturday February 22nd, 2025 – 2:00 pm
The Hollywood Theatre
4122 North East Sandy
Portland, OR 97212

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

One of the finest and most revered comedies of the silent era….Buster Keaton’s favorite film..the iconic masterpiece of the “Great Stoneface”.

Shot on location in Cottage Grove, Oregon in the summer of 1926, The General contains the most expensive stunt ever filmed in the silent era: The iconic shot of a real locomotive crashing off a collapsing bridge and into the ravine below.

More than just a constant stream of great gags, what makes The General so extraordinary is that it is superlative on every level: in terms of its humor, suspense, historical reconstruction, character study, visual beauty, and technical precision. One might even argue that it comes as close to flawless perfection as any feature ever made, comic or otherwise.

We will also be screening a rare silent short!

Fandom review:  #25 of top 100 films to see before you die!

The late-great Orson Welles review: “The greatest comedy ever made, the greatest Civil War film ever made, and perhaps the greatest film ever made”

Rotten Tomatoes review: Tomatometer 92% (63 reviews)PopcornMeter 92% (10,000+ ratings)IMDB:  8.2 of 10 Rating

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Director: Buster Keaton
Run time: 92 mins
Format: Digital

November 30th, 2024 – 7:00 pm

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (1922)

Saturday November 30th, 2024 – 7:00 pm
The Hollywood Theatre
4122 North East Sandy
Portland, OR 97212

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on our mighty Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ.

This was the very first “Dracula” film…and still reigns as the epic “grand-daddy”of all horror films. Starring Max Schreck as Count Orlok, a vampire who preys on the wife of his estate agent and brings the plague to their town.

While there have been countless remakes by filmmakers, trying to improve and capitalize on the success of NOSFERATU, none has really ever hit the mark…compared to the original (which, by the way,  has no blood and gore anywhere in the film). This iconic original stands alone….and one of those “you must see” films.

We will also be screening a very rare 1929 silent short, filmed in Portland!

“It’s not just a great horror movie. It’s a poem of horror, a symphony of dread, a film so rapt, mysterious and weirdly lovely it haunts the mind long after it’s over.” 
Michael Wilmington – Chicago Tribune

“It doesn’t scare us, but it haunts us. It shows not that vampires can jump out of shadows, but that evil can grow there, nourished on death.”
Roger Ebert –  Chicago Sun-Times

“One of the best and most beautiful horror classics.  It is visually stunning, has great acting, and is one of the creepiest movies you’ll ever see, even today.”

Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer 97%
Popcorn Meter 85% (85,000+ ratings)

Director: F.W. Murnau
Run time: 104 mins
Format: Digital

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October 26th, 2024 – 2:00 pm

The Phantom of the Opera (1925)

Saturday October 26th, 2024 – 2:00 pm
The Hollywood Theatre
4122 North East Sandy
Portland, OR 97212

The original masterpiece of horror that shocked cinema for decades! Starring “The Man of a 1000 Faces” Lon Chaney and Mary Philbin. At the Opera of Paris, a mysterious phantom threatens a famous lyric singer, Carlotta, and thus forces her to give up her role (Marguerite in Faust) for unknown singer Christine Daae.

Organist Martin Ellis will be performing his original score – live on the mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

Wheelchair Accessible

Run time: 90 mins

Format: Digital

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September 28th, 2024 – 2:00 pm

The Kid (1921)

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

Legendary actor Charlie Chaplin stars as The Little Tramp who stumbles upon an abandoned baby in the alley and takes him into his care, in this landmark silent film.
This is one of the most famous silent films of all time and is regarded as the first-ever comedy-drama.  Not only was it Chaplin’s first full-length film, (6 Reels of Joy) It was the first film that he wrote, produced, and directed….argued by many that this film was Chaplin’s most personal and autobiographical work.

Seven year old, Jackie Coogan, steals the show as “the kid”… in the memorable role that launched his career.

He is probably most remembered today for one of his last acting roles…as “Uncle Fester” in the Addams Family television series.

We will also be screening a rare short film from the Thanhouser collection.

Cast: Charles Chaplin, Jackie Coogan and Edna Purviance

Director: Charles Chaplin

Run time: 80 mins

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April 20th, 2024 – 2:00 pm

The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927)

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

Considered as the first true Hitchcock film by many and himself, This was the “master of suspense” in his first foray into the thriller genre, that would continue throughout his career.

Ivor Novello perfectly plays the mysterious tenant who may be implicated in a series of Jack the Ripper-style murders; his performance dares the audience to suspect an attractive man of unspeakable crimes.

Hitchcock’s own visual ingenuity and mastery really shows itself throughout the film…as in the famous sequence of the lodger pacing in an upstairs room, shot through a floor of glass.

Alfred Hitchcock’s silent masterpiece. in his own words: “My first thriller… the picture that started it all.”

Tomatometer 96%



YEAR: 1927


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If the direct ticket link above does not work for you, go to the Hollywood Theatre Splash Page and click on the 2:00 Showtime on the right.

March 23rd, 2024 – 2:00 pm

7th Heaven (1927)

The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

In celebration of Feminist March – Women’s History Month, Pipe Organ Pictures is proud to present 7TH HEAVEN…..winner of 3 Academy Awards.

This is the film that rocketed Janet Gaynor into a superstar of the golden silent film era.  Her performance in 7th Heaven won her the very 1st Academy award ever presented – for Best Actress. She also won Best Actress for her performance in SUNRISE filmed the same year. Gaynor co-stars with Charles Farrell, with whom she would make another 10 films with. Director Frank Borzage won the Academy Award for best director for 7TH HEAVEN as well.

The film is set in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century, Chico (Farrell) a sewer worker, saves a young prostitute, Diane (Gaynor) , from being abused by her sister. Janet Gaynor’s performance as the film’s female lead was lauded as one of the most memorable and affecting performances of the era.

“7TH HEAVEN can only be described as the eighth wonder of the movie world… inspiring from start to finish. Its gripping storyline, emotional depth, and the director’s excellent use of the camera bring the story to life. Director Borzage has given this film everything it needs to succeed…and indeed, has gripped the hearts of audiences.” — The N.Y. Evening Telegram

Tomatometer 100% Score – Rotten Tomatoes



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If the direct ticket link above does not work for you, go to the Hollywood Theatre Splash Page and click on the 2:00 Showtime on the right.

February 25th, 2024 – 2:00 pm

Our Hospitality (1923)

The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

Starring “the great Stoneface” Buster Keaton.

OUR HOSPITALITY was Buster Keaton’s second self-produced, full-length feature that was full of groundbreaking gags, including some of his most terrifying and precisely timed stunts ever filmed…which established him as the most athletic and stylistically daring of all the esteemed great silent comedians.
Keaton stars…as youthful dreamer Willie McKay, who travels westward on a rickety locomotive to claim his birthright, only to find that his inheritance is a shack and that the object of his affection (Keaton’s real-life wife, Natalie Talmadge) is the daughter of a man with whom his family has been engaged in a long, violent feud.

That waterfall swing and rescue of Talmadge was surely one of the greatest, most thrilling action scenes in cinema history in 1923 and still is today.” Adam Kempenaar – Filmspotting

Rotten Tomatoes: 97% Tomatometer  90% Audience Score.



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If the direct ticket link above does not work for you, go to the Hollywood Theatre Splash Page and click on the 2:00 Showtime on the right.

November 25th, 2023 – 7:00 pm

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)

The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR

Hollywood organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

One of the most iconic and influential films ever released, THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (1920) was not only the first horror film,  it was also the very first German expressionist film ever made….justly famed for it’s visually skewed, anxiety-inducing angles of its painted backdrops, and for the nightmarish tension of its macabre storyline, in which Francis (Friedrich Feher) attempts to solve a series of murders that he suspects to be the work of an insane carnival hypnotist, Dr Caligari (Werner Krauss), and his somnambulist sideshow attraction, Cesare (Conrad Veidt).

This gothic masterpiece has seeped into the very soul of movie-making itself, continuing to cast its unbreakable spell – thrilling, chilling, electrifying. Arguably,  the most visually influential movie of the silent period.  So many great artists were inspired by this film including, Virginia Woolf, Tim Burton, and the great Alfred Hitchcock, gave credit in his memoirs, “Caligari was the inspiration for Psycho!”

“The picture sets itself the task of raising your hair from your head, and it succeeds from the moment the actors appear in the prologue.” – Harriette Underhill, New York Tribune

“The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is undeniably clever. It is most artistically acted. The lightning is a marvel of spookiness. And if you are looking for something different, well — it is certainly different with a vengeance.” – Mae Tinee, Chicago Tribune

Caligari remains Germany’s greatest gift to cinema.” – Tom Watson, CineVue

IMDB –  8 of 10 Stars Rating
Rotton Tomatoes:  96% Tomatometer Rating



Purchase Tickets at:

If the direct ticket link above does not work for you, go to the Hollywood Theatre Splash Page and click on the 7:00 Showtime on the right.

October 28th, 2023 – 2:00 pm


The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR

The original masterpiece of horror that shocked cinema for decades! Starring “The Man of 1000 Faces,” Lon Chaney with Mary Philbin.

At the Opera of Paris, a mysterious phantom haunts a famous lyric singer, Carlotta, and thus forces her to give up her role (Marguerite in Faust) for unknown Christine Daae.

Organist Martin Ellis will be performing his original score live on the Wurlitzer pipe organ.




Purchase Tickets at:

If the direct ticket link above does not work for you, go to the Hollywood Theatre Splash Page and click on the 2:00 Showtime on the right.