September 23, 2023 – 2 pm

IT (1927)

The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR

Featuring Hollywood organist Dean Lemire at the Mighty Wurlitzer performing his original score.

This is IT.  The 1927 film sensation that rocketed the fabulous Clara Bow into a Hollywood legend. She lights up the screen in this delightful and light-hearted comedy. Critics praised the star and the film as “a joy to behold.”

Appropriately named “IT”… (the 1920’s word for sex appeal)  Clara Bow defines the jazz era and was the quintessential definition of a flapper.

“All the women wanted to be her and all the men wanted to be with her!”

Don’t miss IT.

YEAR: 1927

Purchase Tickets at:

April 22nd, 2023 – 2:00 pm

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

The Hollywood Theatre
4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR

From the creator of NOSFERATU and LAST LAUGH, we are proud to present,  F.W. Murnau’s 1927 masterpiece, SUNRISE: A SONG OF TWO HUMANS.

Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the mighty Hollywood Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ.

Considered by many to be the best film ever made by a Hollywood studio, F.W. Murnau’s SUNRISE represents “pre-talkie” silent artistry at its peak.

Murnau’s graceful moving camera, expressive lighting, and superimpositions lyrically evoke the inner passion, pain, and romanticism driving the love triangle among a simple country couple and a vampish city woman. SUNRISE as a whole is wonderfully moving, and remains to this day one of the most visually poetic films to have ever been made.

SUNRISE’s artistic impact can be seen most notably in CITIZEN KANE (1941).

It won two Academy Awards: Janet Gaynor for best actress and Karl Struss and Charles Rosher for best cinematography.

#15 – Top 100 Films of All Time – Variety

IMDB – 92% rating  –  8.1 of 10 stars (52,090 reviews)

Rotten Tomatoes – 98%  rating

Runtime: 94 minutes

Purchase tickets here

100th Anniversary of Nosferatu

Nosferatu (1922) – Saturday November 26th 7:00 PM

Hollywood Theatre – 4122 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97212

Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the mighty Hollywood Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ to celebrate NOSFERATU’S 100th Anniversary.

This was the first vampire film…and still reigns today as the granddaddy of all horror films. Starring Max Schreck as Count Orlok, a vampire who preys on the wife of his estate agent and brings the plague to their town. Director F. W. Murnau was a huge influence for Alfred Hitchcock…this film proved especially influential for PSYCHO.

Feel free to wear your best Goth outfit….we will be having a costume contest right before the show starts!

“It’s not just a great horror movie. It’s a poem of horror, a symphony of dread, a film so rapt, mysterious and weirdly lovely it haunts the mind long after it’s over…” — Michael Wilmington – Chicago Tribune

“It doesn’t scare us, but it haunts us. It shows not that vampires can jump out of shadows, but that evil can grow there, nourished on death.” — Roger Ebert –  Chicago Sun-Times

Buy Tickets Online Here

The Phantom of the Opera

Saturday, October 29th – 2 pm

The original masterpiece of horror that shocked cinema for decades! Starring “The Man of a 1000 Faces”,  Lon Chaney with Mary Philbin.

At the Opera of Paris, a mysterious phantom threatens a famous lyric singer, Carlotta, and thus forces her to give up her role (Marguerite in Faust) for unknown Christine Daae.

Organist Martin Ellis will be performing his original score live on the Wurlitzer pipe organ.

Tickets available at:

Runtime: 90 min

Metropolis (1927)

Saturday September 24th, 2022 – 2:00 pm

Fritz Lang’s 1927 science-fiction masterpiece…. fuses the frenetic storytelling of twenties pulp fiction with Lang’s personal fascination with the darker side of human nature.

Written by Fritz Lang and his wife, Thea von Harbou, and starring Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel, and Rudolf Klein-Rogge. Stunning art-deco visuals set in a futuristic urban dystopia, the film follows the attempts of Freder, the wealthy son of the city’s ruler, and Maria, a poor worker, to overcome the vast gulf separating the classes of their city.

Organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Hollywood’s Mighty Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ.

“It leaves you dazed and sated. Compared to the fast food eye candy surrounding it these days. Metropolis is a gourmet 20-course meal.” Michael Sragow – Baltimore Sun

“An awesome cinema spectacle.” Steven Rea – The Philadelphia Inquirer

“What you come to see are the strokes of a visual master. You will not be disappointed.” Marta Barber – Miami Herald

“few films have ever been more visually exhilarating” Roger Ebert – Chicago Sun Times

Rotten Tomatoes: rated 97% TomatoMeter / 92% audience score!

Runtime 274 minutes

Buy tickets here

Flesh and the Devil (1927)

Saturday March 26th, 2022 – 2:00 pm

Greta Garbo gives an incendiary performance as the smoldering femme fatale in this romantic, and erotically charged melodrama. Co-starring John Gilbert – the ”The Great Lover” of the silent film era.
Organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the mighty Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ.

Tickets available at:

Runtime: 109 minutes

Battleship Potemkin (1925)

Saturday, February 26th, 2:00 pm

From the midst of the Russian revolution of 1905, the crew of the Battleship Potemkin mutiny against the brutal, tyrannical regime of the vessel’s officers. The resulting street demonstration in Odessa brings on a police massacre.

Battleship Potemkin brought cinema art to the world in a powerful showcase.

Organist Jonas Nordwall will be performing his original score on the mighty Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ.

Tickets available at:

Runtime: 67 min

Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test will be required to attend this screening. Learn more here. This screening will be at at 100% capacity. Masks are required while in all common areas, including in your seat when not actively eating or drinking.

Saturday, November 27, 2021 7:30 PM

The General (1926)

One of the most revered comedies of the silent era….Buster Keaton’s favorite film and masterpiece, The General. Shot on location in Cottage Grove, Oregon in the summer of 1926, The General contains the most expensive stunt ever filmed in the silent era: The iconic shot of a real locomotive crashing off a collapsing bridge and into the ravine below.

THE GENERAL finds hapless Southern railroad engineer Johnny Gray (Buster Keaton) facing off against Union soldiers during the American Civil War. When Johnny’s fiancée, Annabelle Lee (Marion Mack), is accidentally taken away while on a train stolen by Northern forces, Gray pursues the soldiers, using various modes of transportation in comic action scenes that highlight Keaton’s boundless wit and dexterity.

The late-great Orson Welles gave this review: 

“The greatest comedy ever made, the greatest Civil War film ever made, and perhaps the greatest film ever made”

Organist Dean Lemire will be performing his original score on the Hollywood’s Mighty Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ.

Tickets available at:

Runtime: 75 min

Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test will be required to attend this screening. Learn more here. Most screenings are currently at 75% capacity. Masks are required while in all common areas, including in your seat when not actively eating or drinking.

Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928)

1928 classic starring comedian extraordinaire, Buster Keaton. Buster plays a college graduate trying to gain the respect of his father, a roughneck riverboat captain, as well as the love of Kitty, pretty daughter of his father’s business rival. This film contains one of cinema’s most famous (and dangerous) stunts as Buster narrowly avoids being crushed by a tumbling house façade.

Along with our feature film,  we will be showing a rare recently restored Thanhauser Studio short film: TOODLES, TOM & TROUBLE (1915)

Both films will be accompanied live by organist Jonas Nordwall, performing his original score on the Hollywood’s Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ

Tickets available from The Hollywood Theatre

Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test will be required to attend this screening. Learn more here. Most screenings are currently at 75% capacity. Masks are required while in all common areas, including in your seat when not actively eating or drinking.

Safety Last (1923)

PDX Drive-In SILENT Movie Spectacular!

Friday, August 20, 2021 at 8:30 pm

The first EVER Drive-In silent film! Hollywood organist Dean Lemire, will be performing his original LIVE music score at the EXPO Center.

Starring Harold Lloyd in his most famous and iconic film. SAFETY LAST! was highly successful and critically hailed, and it cemented Lloyd’s status as a major figure in early motion pictures. It is viewed today as one of the great film comedies of all time. Get ready for an action-packed romantic comedy that will keep you on the edge of your “car”seat! 

Tickets available from Tickets West PDX